Black Watch Highlanders

Guild Rules

Guild News
Our Purpose
Guild Rules
Member Initiation
Ranks and Awards
Treasury and Commerce
Contact Information

The Guild Rules are as follows:

1. The use of cheats, serials, warez and torrents is expressly forbidden. The same rule applies to advertising their usefulness and availability.

2. Libel and slander is forbidden. If you want to have a flame fest, do it away from the game.

3. Threats of physical violence is expressly forbidden.

4. Prejudice and racism is also forbidden. Even know it is only a game, we are still required by law to prevent hate actions as defined under the criminal code of your respective nation.

5. l33t (1337) speak is discouraged.


7. Please respect the leadership of this guild. If you have a problem with one or more their decisions, take it up with the Chief or Toshach privately.

8. Do not air guild issues in the public chat box.

9. Don't gouge other community members financially. Examples of this would be:

- Running a guy to Yak's Bend for 20x the amount of effort you put into it.

- Seriously overpricing an item that you are trying to sell.

10. Don't spam the public chat box, especially when you're trying to recruit.

11. If you are a member of a Guild Wars forum, please conduct yourself in the same manner as you would in the game.