Black Watch Highlanders

Member Initiation

Guild News
Our Purpose
Guild Rules
Member Initiation
Ranks and Awards
Treasury and Commerce
Contact Information

Recruiting Info



We are looking for members that have cheerful personalities, good attitudes, and time to commit to the guild. All members must be over the age of 12, and have a fluent understanding of the English language. We don't ask for a whole lot of commitment, just 4-5 hours a week minimum. Please note that due to the culture and nature of our guild, Necromancers (either primary or secondary) are not allowed to join.

If you are interested in joining us, and you haven't received an invitation, please send an e-mail to our recruiting officer with the following info included:

- Name
- Country of Residence
- Screename(s)
- MSN Contact Address
- Guild Wars experience
- Why you would like to join
- How you found out about us


In most cases, guildmembers are expected to move up through the ranks. However, we do let some players join as officers if they fit the special criteria.
It doesn't matter what level your at, or how much cash and items you have acquired. Everyone will get there eventually. [BWH] Officers are expected to possess strong leadership and decisive qualities. A significant amount of experience in guild leadership is a must, as well as plenty of in-game experience.
Please do not ask to join as an officer. We will make that consideration upon receiving your recruiting application. Please be specific about your experience in Guild Wars, that way we can properly assess your for a commissioned position within our guild.